LIVE: Pro-FAMILY Concert of LMNOP Returns to U.S. Capital

3 years ago

Public Advocate is proud to declare June as LMNOP+ Month in support of real traditional Family values. We are here at the Iwo Jima Monument. This monument is a reminder of the heroes who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We are dressed in patriotic colors today to honor those heroes and take pride in the American family! Just like the heroes at the battle of Iwo Jima, we will take a stand! Why…because the radical Homosexual Lobby has tried to claim an entire month of June to celebrate their perversions and disgusting lifestyles. We are Singing today 3 songs in honor of the Family. For When the sharpest hate wanna shut us down, We are gonna stand for good, ain’t gonna let it drown We are Brave, We are true, We’re who God meant us to be, Family!!!

🏳‍🌈Song 1 LMNOP: (Tune of Do Re Mi)

Let’s start with some basic facts
A very good place to start
America is made with LMNOP
A family begins with Mother and Father
Son and Daughter, Son and Daughter,
The first three letters just happen to be
L M N, L M N
Fam – a…
Let's see if I can make it easier
L the lifes-t-y-l-e
M, of M-a-i-nstream
N, of n-o-rmal
O, of ordinary
P, that’s p-e-ople
So, that makes the fa-mi-ly
The, core of society
That will make us great again, oh oh oh (REPEAT on L)
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, So Do

🌈Song 2: #WonderWoman, Taylor Greene

Wonder Woman, Taylor Greene.
All the world's waiting for you,
and the power you possess.
Caring for the Youth,
Fighting for the truth
And the old Red, White and Blue.
Wonder Woman, Taylor Greene
Now the world is ready for you,
and the wonders you can do.
Male and female facts,
Stop a bill in its tracks,
Make a liar tell the truth.
Wonder Woman,
Get us out from under, Taylor Greene
You’re a great pro-family advocate.
And the good you demonstrate.
Stop the Leftist cold,
Make the Marxists fold,
Change their minds,
and change the world.
Wonder Woman, Taylor Greene.
Make the family great again

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Song 3: #Family: (To the tune of this is me)
We’re not afraid to speak the truth
We have God, and faith
Cause these false genders are not you

We will Stand for what we know is right
Stand fast, and fight
And we will love you as you are

But we won’t let them break the family down
Man, Woman, marriage is for us
For we are Glorious

When the sharpest hate wanna shut us down
I’m gonna stand for good, ain’t gonna let it drown
We are Brave, We are true
We’re who God meant us to be, Fa-mi-ly
Look out ‘cause here we come
LMNOP is the beat we Drum
We’re not scared to be heard
We make no apologies, Fa-mi-ly


Mother, Father, Son and Daughter
And, we are here today, we won’t let them take it away
We’re Bursting through this woke society and Reaching for the sun (we are Family)
Yeah, that is who we are (yeah, that's what we’ve become)

We Live the Lifestyle of Mainstream
Nor-mal Or-din-ary People
For we are Glorious
And the unborn deserve your love
Your Extreme Hate, We’re not worthy of

A current day HERO we give tribute to and thanks today, is Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. It is a real fight for the Family, for Today it is a SHAME that major corporations are embracing this perverse LGBTQ agenda & helping the homosexual indoctrination of our children!
They confuse our children about gender, that homosexual “marriages” are perfectly normal, and destroy the importance of the family!

No more! We have put the disorder of the LGBTQ+ label, back in order to the #LMNOP+ brand! Public Advocate is reaching millions here today and online with celebration of the #LMNOP community, that is the Lifestyles of Mainstream, Normal, Ordinary People +.

And even better, we are RECLAIMING the rainbow as a Christian symbol!

Godly #values must be respected! Do you want your kid’s breakfast cereal teaching them to hate their gender? The 3rd song is titled: FAMILY to the tune of This is Me. We sing bravely about the Family, standing against the villains that wages war against the family today. #LMNOPcommunity #Viral #Christian #Jesus

DISCLAIMER: Public Advocate is a non-profit 501(c)(4) that fights for the Family and against the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby. As such, we do not endorse or oppose any candidate for office. Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate of the U.S. are not tax-deductible. Public Advocate receives no government funds. You may reach us at Public Advocate, P.O. Box 1360, Merrifield, VA 22116; (703) 845-1808;

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