Cow has higher standards than Biden

3 years ago

Do you like animals as much as we do? Everyone loves cows, but perhaps not everyone is aware of how loving and friendly cows are! They are very similar to dogs in that they like to sniff everything to familiarize themselves with their surroundings. Rather than rely on eyesight to identify their friends, they will sniff other cows and dogs, cats, horses, or any other creature that they commonly come into contact with! Unlike dogs, they don’t sniff the butts of other cows.
Pearl prefers to sniff peoples pants at knee height. You probably never expected to be identified by your knee smell, did you? Cows also rely on their sense of smell to identify the food they want to eat. For example, when they are grazing, they are constantly smelling the grass they are eating. As soon as they smell manure or urine, they change directions. This keeps them from eating their own feces and reinfecting themselves with worms or other parasites. This is what causes the grass in pastures to have patches of tall grass surrounded by grass cropped very short.
In this video, you will see pearl, our scottish highland cow after a very heavy downpour of rain a few hours earlier. Their fur sheds a lot of the water due to a natural wax that their body produces. The fur appears wet because the ends of the hairs don’t have as much wax. If you scratch them when they are wet, you will find that their fur is dry right next to their skin. This keeps them warm during those fall rains and winter ice storms.
Every morning they wait for us to come let them out of their pen to go eat from the pasture. This particular morning, we let them out a little later because we had so much rain all at once that there was standing water in the pasture, but their pen had shed most of the water already. It’s not healthy for cows to stand in ground that is wet all day long. They get infections in their hooves that are very painful.
Rather than let them out, I went to go say goodbye before heading to work. I do this to keep them happy and aware of me and let them smell me of course. While they prefer a man with good smelling knees, they will accept a decent smelling hand if that’s what is offered to them.
It’s always good to talk to your cows. This helps them know who is coming even if they can’t see you. Scottish highland cattle aren’t the greatest at seeing. The obvious reason being the incredible quantity of hair on their forehead blocking their vision. This is why it can be very calming for them to hear my voice before they see that I’m there. If they don’t know I’m coming before they see me, I’m liable to get a hoof to the stomach. Our dog found that out the hard way. She wasn’t hurt by it, but it taught her not to try and play with the cows.
Cows can learn a limited number of commands. Our cows know the typical commands for draft work, along with comfort commands like, “hey girls”, “let’s get some grass”, “wanna go out?”, “water”, “time for bed”, etc.
They pick up on a lot of speech very quickly. They do NOT understand emotion or voice inflection very well. Just like with dogs, it’s not a great idea to yell or sound angry with cows, even if they are in your garden! The language they understand best in those scenarios is that of the whip or riding crop. The first time they try to play with you(head butting is their way of having fun... but I’m 200lbs to their 1000lbs... so it’s not fun for me. I’ll tell a funny story on that in a later video if y’all want)., and you use the crop, they back off in a hurry with a look of confusion and fear. All it takes is one good lick on the nose and they will respect the crop and you will only need to use it as a guide. It’s the great equalizer.

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Ruby, Scottish, highland, cow, heifer, adorable, cute, fuzzy, furry, pet, grass, leaves, trees, sweet, friendly, dog, cat, pet

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