Leftist Harassment Project "Right Wing Watch" Loses Their YouTube Channel, Complains & Gets it Back

3 years ago

Long running harassment campaign, Right Wing Watch, almost got a taste of their own medicine. They had run afoul of the YouTube Guidelines and got their Third Strike for being general assholes, but through the power of complaining and knowing the right people, they had their channel restored. If you scroll through their content, they subsist on hatred of anyone right of Stalin and will lie, slander and take statements out of context to mess with people's lives. So when the piper called in for his fee, everyone slighted by them rejoiced. Glad to see Big Tech rethink their decisions for an organization that thinks exactly like everyone they know and promote. It's not like their parent company was designed originally to take down decent causes and founded by a powerful member of Hollywood...

Russia Today: https://www.rt.com/usa/527801-right-wing-watch-banned-youtube/
The Daily Beast: https://www.thedailybeast.com/youtube-permanently-bans-right-wing-watch-a-media-watchdog-devoted-to-exposing-right-wing-conspiracies
Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Moral-Majority
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/chicago-weekend-shootings-leave-at-least-5-dead-77-wounded-reports_3877653.html
Influence Watch: https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/people-for-the-american-way/

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#RWW #YouTubeCensorship #Leftist

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