Bill Barr Before November 3: Flooding the System With Mail-In Ballots Opens the Way for Fraud

3 years ago

06:00 Matt Hancock (14 minutes)

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock resigned over the weekend for violating COVID restrictions he helped create. Hancock violated the restrictions to have an affair with a member of his staff, whom he hired using British taxpayer money. Hancock says the affair is a personal matter and has asked for the public to respect his privacy. But over the past 18 months, Hancock has not respected the personal privacy of ordinary Britons. As Tim Stanley recently wrote in the Telegraph, most of the “private matters” people used to be entitled to have been banned by the government.

20:00 Donald Trump Hits the Campaign Trail (9 minutes)

President Donald Trump held a rally in Wellington, Ohio, on Saturday night. The president railed against the media’s cover-up of the 2020 election fraud and said what everyone knows: Democrats used COVID to steal the election.

29:00 Bill Barr’s Betrayal (12 minutes)

Prior to the 2020 election, Attorney General Bill Barr said mass mail-in voting was an obvious open door for fraud. In his fiery September 2020 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Barr said mail-in voting is like playing with fire. After the election, Barr changed tune. In a series of interviews, he told Jonathan Karl that his “suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there,” in terms of election fraud. After November 3, Barr’s Department of Justice concluded the election was perfect without even investigating the fraud.

41:00 Bible Study: Romans 6 (14 minutes)

When God calls a person into His Family, He expects them to make a clean break from the ways of the world. In this study, I explain how God will help you break free from Satan’s world.

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