Power BI Showcase: Pocket Financial Statements

3 years ago

With the FreshBI Pocket Financials Dashboard we set out to demonstrate the ability of a well-designed dashboard to tell a complete story on one canvass.

We asked around and realized that although seen as valuable, it is rare to find a meaningful and interactive Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow all in one view.

Year, Quarter and Budget vs Prior slicers aid the optimum use of real-estate and drive all 3 statements.

The slicers dedicated to Financial Ratios allow the isolation of specific Financial Ratios that relate to the Balance Sheet and the dashboard interprets the meaning of these ratios into sensible business questions
with the ratio’s results and the 12 month trend they have followed.

The Cash Flow Statement reveals and summarizes areas of cash flow - Cash Flow relating to Operations, Investments and Financing.


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