SỰ TỰ DO ! Đó là thứ mà mọi người muốn và cần !!! 🇬🇧F R E E D O M ! That's the only people want and need!!! 🇪🇸LIBERTAD ! ¡Eso es lo único que la gente quiere y necesita!

3 years ago

🇬🇧F R E E D O M ! That's the only people want and need!!! That's the yesterdays message from London!
🇪🇸LIBERTAD ! ¡Eso es lo único que la gente quiere y necesita! ¡Ese es el mensaje de ayer de Londres!
🇫🇷LIBERTÉ ! C'est le seul que les gens veulent et ont besoin !!! C'est le message d'hier de Londres !

To be repeated next week in:

- London
- Paris
- Berlin
- New York
- Madrid
- Los Angeles
- Rome
- Chicago
- Athens
- Zürich
- Warsaw
- Washinghton
- Moscow
- Amsterdam
- Sydney
- Toronto
and the week after, and the week after, and the week after....

🔷 t.me/TheEuropeNews

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