Why Leaders Don’t Attract Abundance – They Make it Happen

3 years ago

More on leadership abundance at: https://www.waynesharer.com/leaders-dont-attract-abundance

Remember back in 2006 when the movie “The Secret” was big? It was about having the proper thoughts to activate the law of attraction and achieve abundance in your life.

Just watching the film, you might conclude all you needed to do to make good things happen and achieve abundance is think good thoughts.

The law of attraction says that like attracts like. Thus, positive thinking attracts positive results and negative thinking negative ends. It’s all pulled in through the power of the energy of the universe.

Maybe it is. But there is one thing leaders know for certain. They can sit around thinking as positive as they want, and nothing will happen. There will be no abundance solely on their thoughts.

Leaders in their leadership create abundance, they don't just think about it.

For more, visit https://www.waynesharer.com/leaders-dont-attract-abundance

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