Psalm 12 - Powerful Prayer Against Falsehood

3 years ago

Evening prayer.

Psalm 12

Let's pray together the mighty Psalm 12, that the Lord will deliver us from all falsehood.

1 Help, LORD! There is no longer anyone who is loyal; it is no longer possible to trust anyone among human beings.

2 Each one lies to his fellow man, his flattering lips speak with ulterior motives.

3May the LORD strike every deceitful mouth and an arrogant tongue

4 of those who proclaim: “We will conquer by the power of our speech; our lips are like sharp blades! Who can rule us?”

5 "Because of the oppression of the needy and the cry of the poor, now I will rise," says the LORD.

6 The words of the LORD are true, they are pure as silver purified in an oven, refined seven times.

7 LORD, thou shalt keep us safe, and from such people shalt thou deliver us forever.

8 The wicked roam everywhere proud, when corruption is exalted in society.

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