Take The Covid 19 Jab or Go To Jail Declares Pres. Rodrigo Duterte

3 years ago

Thank you all for coming over to our new channel from Turquoise Sunsets. We’re looking forward to feedom of speech and building on this new platform. It’s like starting all over again but this time without the pc police breathing down our necks controlling our comment section, the narratives and excluding anything outside the approved orthodoxy. “The Powers That Be” have designed a world wide fortress, a powerful system of lies, designed to keep Truth Tellers out while blinding the masses with their distractions, corrupt media, propaganda, false flags, and hidden agendas. But here and now we can stand up for justice in support of the good, clean, pure, powerful and positive in life, as intended by God. And with our comment section back on we can connect again as before. Welcome one and all to JBTRUETV, and thank you for your support. We look forward to moving our videos over from YT and creating new content exclusively for this platform. JB

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