Chica and Me ... our very first day together

3 years ago

I had just gotten home from picking up Chica from the breeder. This is a video of our first hour together. She met Jack, my golden retriever, and Tripp, my Somali cat.

Chica was an only child, she had no brothers or sisters to play and grow up with. Her companions were her mother and the breeder. Her father lived at the breeders BUT he didn't much like Chica from what I heard and they didn't share much time together. I met Chica 5 weeks after she was born. I had named her and repeatedly called her by name as we visited, as I caressed her and rubbed my cheek against her body. The breeder used that name for Chica the last few weeks they spent together.

As you see in the video she responds to her name and she recognizes me, is completely happy and comfortable, seems bonded to me already. She was. She knew me when I saw her again and we remade our connection immediately. Chica had my heart ... still does. I miss her.

The vet recommended an early spay. I didn't consult the breeder, trusted the vet. It cost Chica her life. The anesthetic killed her. The first and only time (so far) in my life I have felt profound grief. It has taken me a LONG time to recover from that, writing about it now brings some of it back.

I'll be posting more videos of Chica ... she was special.

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