The Mysterious Disappearance of DB Cooper Case Examination / Dan Cooper / Death Bed Confessions / Where'd the Money Go?

3 years ago

There are so many unanswered questions in this case. Where did the money go? Are any of the Death Bed Confessions True? Why did he pick that particular parachute? Why did he leave his clip on tie behind? Who really is Dan (DB) Cooper?

In this video I talk about the fascinating case of DB (or Dan) Cooper. We examine the facts of the case, then talk about the theories, and death bed admissions. As a bestselling paranormal author I find unsolved cases, supernatural myths and legends, and other real life unbelievable stories/facts fascinating. So if you're a fan of the dark, strange, and mysterious then subscribe and join me while we dig into these types of stories. I hope you enjoy my story telling.

Product shout out: 30 Day Free Trial of Audible plus 2 Free Audio Book: and if you want to check out a highly rated audiobook on this case, check out Skyjack: The Hunt for D.B. Cooper by Geoffrey Gray (who shares another popular theory on the case). Here is the audiobook link

In this video, we discuss the intriguing highlights of the infamous D.B. Cooper aka Dan Cooper disappearance and mystery. This case has so many facts (it spanned more than 45 years) and so many theories and suspects that it all can't be covered in this video, but I tried hard to report out on the majorly intriguing points and the theories that seem most plausible as well as those that lean towards some supernatural or paranormal theories (I am a paranormal author).

This is a #truecrime #unsolvedmystery #unsolveddisappearance and while the case has been put on hold at the FBI, they are still open for any new leads pertaining to the parachutes and money specifically.

Check out some of the books on this case

D.B. Cooper: The Real McCoy (mentioned in the video)
Getting the Truth (mentioned in the video)
Finding DB Cooper: Chasing the Last Lead in America's only Unsolved skyjacking
D.B. Cooper & Me: A Criminal, a Spy, My Best Friend by Carl Laurin (as mentioned in the video, Carl Laurin was the friend that had permission to share Reca's story and his claim that he was Dan Cooper after his death).
Ha Ha Ha by D.B Cooper

Check out all these pretty cool t-shirts made on the topic of D.B. Cooper on Amazon here

What do you think happened? Comment below. Where is Cooper and where is the money? And how about those sunglasses?

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Additional Resources:
FBI Vault Records

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Please note this video and video description contains some affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission to help maintain the channel and pay for time to produce the videos. I only share products and services through affiliate links that I believe would be helpful or beneficial for those watching the videos on this channel.

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