Ep17 p1of7 Ephraim Manasseh - conquest of the Promised Land

3 years ago

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Ephraim stretches along the West Bank of the Jordan river from Bethel to Jezreel.
The Levites were the tribe in charge of the Tabernacle which they set up in Shiloh where it stood until the time of king David.
The tribes of Israel failed to drive the Canaanites out of the land, they actually made them pay tribute. At the Battle of Kadesh between the Egyptians and the Hittites the Egyptians traveled up the valley along the sea which was controlled by the Canaanites who were allied with them. The Israelites were in the woods in the mountains at this time.
In the book of Judges chapter 1 we read about a transition that happened between the generation that knew Joshua and the next generation that did not witness the great works of God on behalf of Israel. They turn away from following YHWH and turned to worshiping Baalim and Ashteroth.
The Amorite tribe was called Amurru by the Mesopotamians of Sumer. After a while all Canaanites became known as Amorites.
In Judges chapter 2 an angel of the LORD came to the Israelites to ask them why they broke the covenant by making alliances with the Canaanites. God told them that they gods of the Canaanites would become a snare to them, he then stopped driving out the Canaanites and left them in the land to prove Israel, whether they would serve him or not.
Baal worship is like Catholic Saints, they have a Saint for every job or realm of life, YHWH does not work that way, we are to worship one God only, he hears us and answers us, the angels are his servants we are not to pray to angels either.
God then raised up judges who would deliver Israel out of tribulation when they called to him but after each judge died the Israelites would turn again to other gods.
Baal was a god of fertility weather wind rain seasons and war, he was the patron god of the Rephaim, the giants and the evil spirits.
Ashteroth was a Judean goddess with a similar name to Astarte the Phoenician goddess who was the daughter of the sky god. The Judean form of Ashteroth was called the ’queen of heaven’ or the wife of Yahweh. Her name appears in several forms and her attributes change over the centuries as she is adapted by various cultures. The Phoenician form of this goddess is Astarte, she was directly adapted from the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar, who was the earlier goddess of Ur, Innana. She is in charge of fertility sexuality and war. She has been known as the queen of heaven throughout her career and is represented by the planet Venus. Her symbol is the 8 pointed star. She is also a mother goddess.
During Roman times after Christianity this same goddess took on the role as mother of god. Many of these same symbols are attached to this same deity.
As we discussed in Episode 2 these according to Enoch and the early Christian scholars these are representing demonic entities and are a perverted form of Gods truth.
In the bible God is in charge of absolutely everything while the demonic entities who are terrestrial spirits are allowed to exist to test and try mankind. They present themselves as a pantheon of powers in charge of various realms such as storms lost items crops fertility and such things and that prayer or offering to them can offer some help in that realm. The truth of the bible is that God is in ultimate authority and that he is able to give favor in any realm because he is in charge of all of creation.

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