Derek Chauvin's mom says Goodbye to her favorite son - June 25, 2021

3 years ago

#DerekChauvin's mom said goodbye to her favorite son just before he was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison for the accidental homicide of the career criminal and drug addict, #GeorgeFloyd — who got a hero's memorial service and funeral while the #Minneapolis police officer sat in jail. George's parents profited from his death with a $27 million settlement from a lawsuit against the city...PRIOR to Derek Chauvin's trial, which the judge refused to move to another city. Imagine all the lives that Floyd destroyed (other than his own) just because he didn't want to be arrested, put in handcuffs, sat in the back seat of a Police car and put in jail. Floyd was extremely intoxicated while sitting in the driver's seat of a car when the police were first called to the scene; so if not for the police, Floyd may have been in a car accident and killed someone while DUI. But why did Derek Chauvin sit with his knee on Floyd's back and neck for 9 minutes? He never told us.

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