THE LIFE OF JESUS Part 2: The Opposition Jesus Faced

3 years ago

The men Jesus recruited to be His disciples were not connected and politically savvy. They were from the province of Galilee, an agricultural area and void of higher educational institutions. With the exception of Judas Iscariot, these simple men were molded into powerful preachers that changed the world.

This is in stark contrast to the ruthless political and religious leaders who were fueled by the power of Satan and thought nothing about killing their adversaries. Jesus built His church under a Roman occupational government and dealt with various corrupt political and religious parties and the hostile environment they fomented.

His choice of twelve men with no political experience seemed foolish as they were no match for the crooked religious leaders and the savvy political operators in Jerusalem. Yet the movement Jesus started was powered by the Holy Spirit and some 2,000 years later Christianity has spread worldwide, while Caiaphas, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Herodians and the mighty Roman Empire no longer exist. Everyone that clashed with Jesus has faded into the dust bin of history and is no longer relevant.
Sermon Outline

The Opposition Jesus Faced
MAY 26, 2019 RLJ-1705

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