THE LIFE OF JESUS Part 1: Jesus Launches His Ministry

3 years ago

It would have been easy for the Son of God to come to the earth and do everything in the supernatural but the Devil would have objected and Jesus would have been disqualified from being a sacrifice for sin.

As a result, the Son of God was incarnated into a human body, and aside from the sinless blood in his veins, the only supernatural power Jesus had was the Holy Spirit, who is also available to any born again person. Jesus walked away from carpentry at the age of thirty to begin His earthly ministry. The scribes thought he was possessed by Satan and His family believed He was mentally deranged and tried to take Him back home.

No one believed He was the long awaited Messiah. Yet Jesus pushed on and was baptized in water by John the Baptist and God signified the act by speaking from Heaven and having the Holy Spirit descend upon Him like a dove. Jesus went from this spiritual high point to enduring forty horrible days of fasting in the wilderness while the Devil tempted and harassed Him every day.

Even the people in Jesus' hometown of Nazareth rejected Him when He declared He was the promised Messiah and tried to kill the incarnated Son of God.
Sermon Outline

Jesus Launches His Ministry
MAY 19, 2019 RLJ-1704

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