Discovering God’s Friendship

3 years ago

In this conversation with Randy Bohlender, I share how we didn’t easily give our trust to too many in a communist society; friendships were rare and precious. To be able to speak openly and share your heart with someone without fear of someone reporting you to the government was a very big deal.

After making my way to California as a young immigrant, I had a radical encounter with the living God. All of my life I had been brainwashed to believe that God doesn't exist. The communists had lied about everything; it should have dawned on me that they would lie about God too.

Because I understood what true friendship is and had a great value for it, the Lord began my new walk with Him by introducing me to His friendship first. Reading through the Psalms for example, I came to realize that David was a friend of God. The Lord did not strike David with lightning or quit on him during some of David’s emotional turbulence. I began to see how rich in mercy God was, and that His kindness and goodness was inexhaustible. Just like David, I, too, began to speak with Him like a friend.

While I continued to study the Bible systematically, chapter by chapter, I also took time to read and pray the psalms every day. I found myself being secured into a wonderful friendship with a loving God, who in His compassion would hear and answer whenever I cried out to Him.

(Part 2 of 6)

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