Weather Shamanism with Nan Moss and David Corbin – Host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

3 years ago

Moss and Corbin show how humans and weather have always affected each other, and how it is possible to influence the weather. They present teachings directly from the spirits of weather that show how our thoughts and emotions affect weather energetics. They also reveal the ceremonial and therapeutic aspects of “weather dancing,” a practice used to communicate with the weather spirits. Weather Shamanism is about transformation--of ourselves, and thus our world. It is about how we can develop an expanded worldview that honors spiritual realities in order to create a working partnership with the spirits of weather and thereby help to restore well-being and harmony to Earth. A unique blend of anthropological research, shamanic journeys, and personal stories and anecdotes.


Produced by Hieronimus & Co. for 21st Century Radio®. Edited version provided to Nightlight Radio with permission. Host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus, Visit us at

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