The Aquarian Age with Daniel Fiverson - Host: Dr. Bob Hieronimus

3 years ago

We’ve all heard the song “This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.” With the tumultuous events of 2020 and 2021, you may be wondering where is all that “harmony and understanding” we are supposed to be experiencing in the Age of Aquarius? Our guest is Daniel Fiverson, an Evolutionary Astrologer who will explain how the events of 2020 and 2021 are only the prelude for what will occur as this decade unfolds. Daniel Fiverson is an author, lecturer, teacher, and intuitive living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is an Evolutionary Astrologer and we’ll find out what that means right at the outset. As he says: “You already know the “whats” of your life. Well, Evolutionary Astrology can tell you the “whys.” Daniel Fiverson is also a student of Astrology, I Ching, and Tarot.

BOOK: 2021: Is This The Aquarian Age: An Evolutionary Astrology Forecast, by Daniel Fiverson

Produced by Hieronimus & Co. for 21st Century Radio®. Edited version provided to Nightlight Radio with permission. Host Dr. Bob Hieronimus. Visit us at

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