OPP June 2021

3 years ago

This month’s episode features projects by:
Ellen Meredith: pallet wood box
Phill Gavin: anniversary sign (Steve Good Pattern)
Ron Sweat: Seahorse
June Bingham: Kookaburra (Kathy Wise Pattern), horse, Peacock clock (Sue May Pattern), deer
Jim Merrow: Red Jay (Judy Gale Roberts pattern)
Teresa: horse colored pencil drawing

Thanks to everyone who submitted projects for this month’s episode! I
If you would like to submit your project for a future episode of OPP please send me an email (undeniablycy@gmail.com) with OPP in the subject line. Tell me about your project and send any pictures you’d like.

Cy’s Corner Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-553423
Cy’s Corner Brighteon Channel: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/DQcIoS0jzNVn/
Cy’s Corner Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOoeZFDsNp4US0BEvevTQmw
Cy’s Corner T-shirt Shop: https://cyscorner.wordpress.com/store/
Cy’s Corner Website: https://cyscorner.wordpress.com/
Cy’s Corner Instagram: https://instagram.com/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CysCornerShop/?ref=settings
Cy’s Corner Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/cyscorner

Cy’s Corner Theme songs by My Torn Genes: http://mytorngenes.com/

Cy’s email: undeniablycy@gmail.com

Send me a sticker and I’ll send you one!
Cy’s Corner
P.O. Box 104
Prineville, Oregon

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