Will The Cards Start To Fall? The Illegal Cover Ups Are Publicly Being Displayed Now

3 years ago

June 26- Trudeau and the Canadian health authority are shitting bricks; Aliens in airspace agenda; WHO whistleblowers,WEF promised cyber attacks train troops, College of Physicians gaslight innocent doctors, Bil 36 another of Trudeau's most desperate attempt to obey China, and more weekend news.
Libs /Canadian Health Authority breaking the law by refusing to release documents; More alien talk on MSM; Inventor of mmmrnna says STOP! Bill 36 a desperate attempt to obey China, Batteries sticking to Jabba's kids and more weekend news.

Show Reference Links:
20 minute doctor firing:


Full firing audio of doctor in Canada:

Full episode with George About Brown's Gas AC50: https://www.librti.com/page/view-video?id=162
www.librti.com/summit for my interviews with well known people (Madej, Koire etc...) and the Great Reset information by experts in the field.
*Please donate to help me to continue my full time journalism and hands on activism and show at https://donorbox.org/liberty-talk-canada or e -transfer to libertytalkcanada@gmail.com
AC50 device at eagle-research.life and use the promo code "liberty"
Join Canada's larges growing freedom of speech social media platform for all of my uncensored episodes at librti.com or go to librti.com/Odessa
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Librti T-shirts and Hoodies at librtishop.com
bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Ujmy8wOgWc18/
Show Reference Links:

Full firing audio of doctor in Canada:





“Smart" Buildings - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pkwes6X7TyXu/

Climate Change Lies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4&t=650s and also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fQZfFy9cFs (renewable energy scam$)

CDC report:

At minutes 5:24 Top virologist "incinerators" quote- https://www.bitchute.com/video/SHRXZeLQEYnA/

5G and Kronnna- https://osf.io/9p8qu/


Need FB account to see this…Liberal gov/health authority refusing in parliament to show microbiology lab spies that took vials: https://www.facebook.com/173928532656310/videos/974956033271689

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