Under the Wire-Dawn Richardson of the NVIC Advocacy Portal

3 years ago

Dawn Richardson is the Director of Advocacy for the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). NVIC is a non-profit charity founded in 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defend the informed consent ethic in health policy and law.

Dawn created and launched the NVIC Advocacy Portal in 2010 to provide free online education about proposed state vaccine laws and communication how to take action to support or defeat proposed vaccination laws. Under Dawn’s leadership, the NVIC Advocacy Program has analyzed, tracked and issued positions on well over 1000 vaccine related bills and has worked with legislators, organizations and volunteer advocates across the United States.

Dawn has also led a highly successful 25 year legislative advocacy and public education campaign in her home state of Texas contributing to positive legislative changes including the passage of a statewide conscientious belief exemption to vaccination, the vacating of a gubernatorial executive order for mandatory HPV vaccines, the defeat of proposed bills to eliminate the conscientious exemption, and the institution of medical privacy protections and opt-in informed consent requirements in the statewide vaccine tracking system.

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