bitch about anything white as if that makes them right piano punk

3 years ago

everybody else on yt, fuck that man
lemme say that shit
you are the system
so blessed to be this mess of a mess of a...
preachin but not in a church
white people choose to lose
white-washed: a minority that has assimilated w/ western society
america is the new jonestown
race is a hot topic, cos what would the media do w/out it
this is why they hated our last prez
trump did more right than he did wrong
think of bobby brown
it's their perogative to elimate any and all other perogative
very disagreeable over here, i know
hard to make a case for my race when...
commiedians bore/disgust/sicken me
white people just wanna fit in
BLAAAAAAACK people aren't buyin it
i can't imagine growing up now
just got sad and depressed thinkin about all that

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