Balls Out Physics Ep 5.2 Conservation of Momentum in Space

3 years ago

My experiments with a vacuum pump has shown that a vacuum must be contained.

At the INSTANT of the release of the vacuum valve, ambient air rushes in to take it's rightful place within the bell jar, that just held a very minor vacuum.

Search for information on NASA's own gigantic vacuum chamber that likely holds the most extreme vacuum.

To all my Head-Spinning-Ball-Trolls... Y'all are the ones supporting the heliocentric model of the sun rotating around the earth that spins at 1000 mph, while hurtling through space at tens of thousands mph, etc. NASA's figures! You use this faux model to distract and deflect from the fact that you cannot provide ONE PROOF that the earth is spinning.

Anyone who has flown in a PLANE can clearly see that the earth is not spinning 1000 mph below the plane, no matter what trajectory the PLANE is taking.

I maintain that the earth is stationary, does not move or spin. The sun, moon & stars rotate around the earth under the Firmament. Polaris never moves and the luminaries within the firmament above the earth rotate around the earth. Many time lapse recordings of this is just another PROOF that the earth does not move.

Don't you wonder why they use the term SEA LEVEL and not CURVE LEVEL? Ha! It's PLANE to see...

My Troll'ers have a disease called "Logical Fallacy". You make a case that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Trying to distract & deflect away from the case, whether it is true or not. The Fallacy of Irrelevant Thesis: Try to argue against the main point by using a different point that isn't related to the main point.

I am not here to argue a fallacy that we have been indoctrinated with for DECADES. I will not bother to answer moronic questions that are based on a LIE!

Provide ONE proof of your mumbo jumbo relating to a spinning earth, hurtling through space at more than MACH 1.

The physicist clearly finds out for himself that there can be no rocket flights in a faux space/vacuum.

Please, Rumble with me...

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