Michael Yeadon - ex Pfizer - end of human freedoms & debunking Antibodies, Variants, Passports, Mass-Depopulation

3 years ago

Academics can't speak out because they rely on grants from companies for their bread & butter.

Viruses tiny, need to get into cell as soon as possible. Antibodies are big molecules and are generally outside of the cell. Virus = inside of cell. Antibodies = outside of cell. Separate compartments. Not saying they have 'no role' but they really not that important.
T cell immunity are able to detect viruses inside of cells & kill those cells. Antibody-level detection can give 'evidence' that you've been infected, but having them is not a good measure on whether or not you are immune. When Antibody-levels drop, that does not mean you are losing immunity. We've known this for decades.

Exaggerated risks. The older & sicker you are, the greater the risk. Slightly bigger risk to you than the flu. It was never necessary for us to have done anything - lockdowns, masks, mass-testing, vaccines.
There are multiple therapeutic drugs that are at least as effective as vaccines, that are already available.

On Variants: Will only be 0.3% different than the original & will not escape your immunity (either by vaccines or natural infection). 18 years ago there was a virus called SARS (80% similar to SARS-CoV-2), experiments done last year where they got original people to donate blood who had SARS, and found that after 17 years they still had circulating tcell antibodies to SARS. Their T cells also recognized the new virus SARS-CoV-2. So a 20% difference was enough to trick their immune systems. Why are pharmaceuticals making 'top-up' vaccines?
The new top-ups, that have no justification whatsoever, won't require clinical studies. This should terrify you. Believes there's no possible benign reason for this and believes this will damage and possible kill you. Plausible deniability. Believes they are lying about variants so they can make damaging top-up vaccines that you don't need at all.

Once you've been infected, you're immune.

Most won't need a vaccine at all and are best to stay away from experimental vaccine that comes with a blood-clot risk. Why would you take a risk with your health for something that's not a threat to you?

Vaccine passports.
Not required at all. Only provide complete control over all of your movements to whoever controls the database that your vaccination-status is connected to.
This is what is going to take over your life in a way that George Orwell 1984 didn't even dream of.
Imagine you've been vaccinated and you've been awarded a vaccine passport on an app. World's first database that contains your name, a unique digital ID in the same format as absolutely everybody else on the planet, on the same database, with an editable health-related flag. Algorithm rules works out what you can do with/without your vaccine passport. That's what's going to control the rest of your lives.
Initially it might just be for larger sports stadiums, but eventually to enter shopping centres, large stores, retail establishments, etc. Coercive pressure on those who have decided not to get vaccinated. You can't control what those rules are. This system has been put in place using lies, and I believe the purpose is complete totalitarian control.

Will be the end of human freedoms.

People running this must of thought about it for some time. Used a small amount of lies that are close to something that is 'plausible'. Pounded this script relentlessly. The only other thing they needed to do is frighten people to death and censor everyone else. That's all. Simple story, repeated, censorship and fear. And here we are.

They have complete control over the tv, radio, newspapers, internet.

Only people who will see me, is people already looking for information. People who need to be converted, are not looking. They're looking at main-media and that can be controlled.

Whoever is running this has complete control over the message and the medium.

Vaccines only emergency-use authorized and we don't know anything at all for the potential for long-term side-effects, so it's inappropriate to give them to more than the most vulnerable. And now they want to inject children.
Every medicine has side-effects - you would never use it on a grand-scale unless the people receiving it were at risk of the illness - and they're not.

There's something awful happening. You know it. You need to withdraw your consent. It's the last chance to rescue your liberty and those of your children.

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