#Funny puppy videos#dogs funny ,baby dogs

3 years ago

Angie and Chesney (Picture: Angie Keay)
When I was about eight weeks pregnant and before I told anyone I was in a meeting with a colleague, Angie, and her dog, Chesney.

Although our pets often come to meetings with us, I’d never spent much time around Chesney, so I was quite surprised when he snuggled up to me.

Angie was a bit embarrassed and kept trying to remove Chesney, but he would just cuddle up again.

When the meeting was over, Angie told a mutual colleague that Chesney had a history of snuggling up to pregnant women.

I announced my pregnancy a few weeks later, Angie said she was so glad she had told our colleague about Chesney’s super-sense because otherwise no one would have believed her.

The hormonal changes must have made me smell different to Chesney.

I couldn’t wait to tell my friends and family; it’s now my favourite work story!

Stole someone else's food

Pees on things it shouldn't

Humps things it shouldn't

Steals footballs

My dog is an angel

Steve, Worcestershire
Growing up, we had an extremely naughty Staffie called Roady.

He would eat pretty much anything given to him but seemed to have a stomach of iron.

His first trip to the vets as a pup was because he had eaten an 18 inch long rubber tube and needed to have emergency surgery.

Another time, after a long day at work, my mum bought our dad a kebab for his tea.

Famished as he was, dad had literally just put the fork to his mouth as the doorbell went.

The plate went down, but Roady was (thankfully) on his bed.

In the time it took my dad to answer the door and come back through the hall, Roady had complete obliterated the plate full of food.

Dad said it was even funnier because of the way Roady’s legs were moving faster than ever but they just slipped on the carpet in cartoon fashion.

Rae, London

(Picture: Rae Martin)
We went on This Morning with our four Chihuahuas debating why we let them sleep in our bed.

All was going really well until one threw up. Mortified!

Chris, Oxford
Our old dog was too lazy to walk from the living room to the back door so he used to jump in and out the living room window.

This was fine until he forgot where he was and jumped out of my sister’s second floor window.

Luckily he managed to land on the roof and sat there shaking like a leaf until we were able to get a ladder and rescue him.

Kristi, Midlands
My Labrador Holly was a bit of a hooligan when she was a pup.

I was walking her once and she spotted a class doing a bootcamp style workout in the next field in the middle of doing press ups at the time.

Holly thought it looked like great fun and charged over jumping on top of the people doing the press ups.

Most of them laughed but the leader in the military style outfit didn’t look amused.

Ceren, North London

(Picture: Hillary Kladke/Getty)
Lola once stole a bottle of water from a group of people enjoying a lovely picnic spread in Victoria park in the summer.

Barkley once stole a football from a group of young boys playing football in the local park.

He punctured it with his teeth so my dad had to give them a tenner to get a new one.

So yeah, my dogs steal stuff.

And sometimes the owners are just as bad…

Lisa, Leamington Spa

(Picture: andresr/Getty)
I was taking my dog to his monthly veterinary appointment and left myself plenty of time for the journey (it’s a Friday night, rush hour etc).

I arrived at my destination pleased there was very little traffic and we had plenty of time to spare – too much time in fact.

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Anyway, because I’m early I figure I’ll take him inside in the hope they could possibly see him earlier than scheduled.

We walk into the familiar, cosy, little waiting room thrilled to find it empty and blindly ignoring the confused looks and furrowed brows of the receptionists.

Up I go with a cheery ‘Hello, I know we’re early but…’ to be greeted by a wall of silence.

Still the penny didn’t drop.

Not until the massive grinning face of my very own GP appears around the corner do I realise I haven’t taken Bucky the 15 miles to his vets but taken him the four miles to my own doctor’s surgery.

I just about managed to stutter ‘Oh bollocks’ before being escorted back to my car by my GP who is practically on his knees laughing.

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