Biden Blunder! Only he could make the Pandemic a Racial Issue - The Kevin Jackson Network

3 years ago

Who knew one could racialize a pandemic?! I knew!

Leftists told Americans that the Wuflu targeted black people. But only black Americans. Somehow the scamdemic didn't seem to kill off REAL Africans but only "African Americans". So one would think that after scaring blacks about the potential to die from Wuflu, blacks in America would flock to get that vaccine.

Not the case, apparently. So Biden targeted black people, because it was initially harder to get black folks to get the shot due to the Tuskegee Airmen? But now that Anheuser-Busch is offering beer, marijuana clinics are offering some "bud", and governors are running lottos, black people are finally getting in line for the shot.

And what about those Mexicans. Fear of deportation is the reason they don't want to get the shot. It has nothing to do with...FEAR OF DEATH from the shot?

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