Tony Byker -'NØ$4Ä2'

3 years ago

From the album 'UN-HAPPYTALISM - Convid 1984 Slave New World
Available download or CD

Anyone who believes this Scamdemic Masktard Madness is literally possessed by demons.

I couldn’t give a damn if I wanted too
About your viral phobias it makes me blue
I’ll never understand you let the state screw you
I think that you are possessed by NOS4A2
What has made you so blind to the blatant truth ?
Just cannot accept they would do this to you
Just a littlle trip through history
Reveals all the lies they’re so plain to see
Ooh baby c’mon smell the coffee
Take a deep breath and just unwind slowly
Ooh baby God save from this human farm
Ooh baby won’t you save me from delusion
Ooh Lord c’mon sing this song
Clear the dark clouds face the rising sun
Hidden knowledge now is at our fingertips
Or maybe spend your time looking at fashion tips
Hand over your power to an illusion
Swimming in self induced delusion
The highest form of power is within our souls
Not within these entities that seek control
They only exist in fractured minds
But have no power in space and time
This Covid 19 Scamdemic is nothing more than a purposely manufactured fake crisis, a social engineered public relations marketing operation for our initiation into the ‘Globalist’s’ ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. The instigation of ‘Agenda 21’, ‘Agenda 2030’ and the implementation of the ‘Digital ID Grid Surveillance System’.
This is DAVOS’ ‘New Green Deal’ , the ‘Climate Change Agenda’, now re-packaged as the ‘THE GREAT RESET’ (World Economic Forum - ‘ECO-HITLER Mastermind’ Klaus Schwab) and the new era of Biological Transhumanism, merging man and machine for a ’smarter’ future.
Lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, testing, all part of the initiation ritual.
Over many years, through news media, and Hollywood movies, they have systematically brainwashed the entire ‘global’ population to believe they are nothing more than a virus, reproducing at alarming levels and responsible for the destruction of the Earth’s resources and climate change.
Now with Covid, the human race are branded as ’Asymptomatic Super Spreaders’ of a magical disease. The ‘Contagion Myth’ built upon a throne of lies which is the ‘Sacred Germ Theory’ of the fraud Louis Pasteur, that has been pushed by Rockefeller Big Oil Big Pharma since they hijacked natural medicine over 100 years ago.
‘Pandemics’ and ‘Climate Change’ are both unsolvable problems that allow the unwitting public to submit to these totalitarian regime regulations under the guise of saving the ‘planet’ and the human race. Lockdowns are deliberately designed to destroy all small and medium businesses and subject the masses to psychological torture and Pavlovian Conditioning.
The total disintegration of individual rights and freedoms, social restrictions and travel, with the use of health passports, and implantable, injectable vaccine tracking systems, in order to participate in society. Testing is nothing more than money making scam, a tool for DNA data collection, and more fake statistics for more scare tactics.
Population reduction, the dissolving of nation states, the end of property ownership, the end of cash, and implementation of a (UBI) Universal Basic Income, and the formation of 5G grid smart cities, where every single aspect of our lives are monitored and controlled with social credit scores watched over by Artificial Intelligence in the hands of these technocratic corporate entities. Digital Currency is the goal, and eventually, with an implant, we will be energy producing biomachines, our body activity data harvested by the AI to create cryptocurrency (Patent WO2020060606) Another commodity to be traded on the stock exchange.
They have harnessed the full powers of psychological manipulation with Media Marketing, Tavistock Institute, Rand Corporation, their ‘Strategic Intelligence’, to brainwash and manufacture consent among the masses with NGOs and grass roots movements like ‘Sustainable Developement’ “Environmental Action’ ideologies at a local level and the use of social change movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion, Antifa and BLM, LGBTQXYZ, all unwitting pawns in the promotion of this new world order where the idea of the Nuclear Hetro Family is replaced with Global Family. With most people sterile, Ecto-genesis will evenyually be the norm, for those with the financial means and correct ecological status to apply.
The riots and uprisings are deliberately organised chaos to destroy the fabric of the current society.
The governments and media whores are lying unashamedly as their corruption knows no bounds, fuelled by the supreme commanders of Big Pharma, Bankers and the Elite Technocracy.
It is indeed a ‘Totalitarian Takeover Communist One World Government’, however, it is filtered down to the local level with the new title of ‘Communitarianism’.”Be a good citizen and do what’s right for the common good of the people and the environment” . ‘Build Back Better.’ ‘You Will Own Nothing And You Will Be Happy’
All these plans are well documented and easily researchable, however the cognitive dissonance, the years of psychological indoctrination, the human conditioning is far more powerful than we ever imagined, and prevent most from seeing the obvious agendas.
Behind the scenes the ‘Belt & Road Initiative’, the super powers of Israel, China, Russia and Iran jostle for who will control this future world of AI and the ‘Internet Of Things’, who will have the fastest processing power. The Big Tech Transfer is happening as we speak…another story.
This Technocratic Tyranny dystopian nightmare is very real. The willing, some who genuinely like this Slave New World, but most blindly follow either through ignorance, stupidity or some kind of misplaced virtue of saving the Earth and the Human Race, not realising that they will be the first to go to the slaughter, tracked and traced, sleeves rolled up, begging to be chipped, and for a DNA changing vaccine that will sterilise and literally poison their very souls.
There is a real war going on against humanity, that most of humanity do not even realise it’s happening, and even help their abusers to ridicule the awakened souls who question the narrative. Big Tech have now employed the powers of military intelligence Warp Speed to work with Social Media Giants to not only crush voices of dissent about the Covid Scamdemic and The Mass Vaccination Plans, but shut down entire websites, and now they are going for the Host Providers. This is deadly serious.
Covid 19 Scamdemic was just the beginning. Following on from the Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep document in 2010, Johns Hopkins University’s EVENT 201 (a Corona virus outbreak in Wuhan China) in 2019 exactly predicted everything we see happening in 2020. Covid 21, Covid 23, appearing over the coming yhears until their next stage falls into place in 2025 called the SPARS PANDEMIC. They have all the pieces placed, even the new poisons KALOCIVIR Antiviral, VMAX Antiviral, all leading up to the new poison saviour COROVAX due to be released in 2026 are already in production. Social Media dissent, Anti-vaccine movements and protests are all included in their plan.
The only way to stop this is to simply acknowledge it’s existence, and say no and live your lfe. This huge deception is totally founded on one tiny germ theory lie. CONTAGION . Acknowledge that there is not, and never will be a pandemic of any description, unless purposely caused by injecting directly poison into the bodies of the masses. Tests are fake, hospitals are empty and statistics are completely bogus. The same number of mortalities has occurred in 2020 as in any other year in history.
The only reason more people will die in the future is from the vaccinations, not a virus. That is the plan. The mRNA technology literally causes an AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE (AIDS) Continually terrorise the population with fake pandemics and inject poison until they all get sick and die, leaving the beautiful earth empty for the elite to enjoy while those that remain are slaves in megacities.
Hollywood continully tells the truth in movies, while the media continues to lie.

Why they’re taking down the NHS and the economy. Destroying so many lives. Here is the explanation.
This is a British perspective, but since all western governments are marching to the same drum, I think it applies to Europe and all of the English speaking countries, as well as some developing nations.
This is NOT conspiracy theory. It’s geopolitics, economics and a little science. Everything is referenced in the links.
Last year the United Nations and the World Economic Forum signed a deal to accelerate the sustainable development goals of UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030:
They moved astonishingly quickly to capitalise on the uncannily timed pandemic by calling for a “Great Reset”.
The Great Reset is actually UN Agenda 21 repackaged. Agenda 21 was also the inspiration for the contentious “Green New Deal” that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez failed to get through US Congress in 2019.
You’ll see more about the Great Reset on the TV in the coming weeks. The UN hope to have most of the heavy lifting done by 2030, as detailed in their Agenda 2030 milestone document.
The climate change lobby have been warning us about the need for this for years:
These are some of the scientists that inform the UN. Within 2 weeks of the last UK Extinction Rebellion protest in 2019, the UK government and the EU declared an official climate emergency. More than half of UK local authorities followed suit. At least 27 countries (or jurisdictions within countries) have signed up to this.
The United Nations have been pushing for a One World Government ever since they were formed after WWII. They want open borders between Canada, the US and South America. The European Union was another crucial part of their plan. It was their attempt at a United States of Europe. Instead, it became an economic disaster zone. The EU managed to completely trash their currency in just over a decade. Record unemployment and record debt. Brexit was the final straw. It was clear that other countries wanted to follow Britain’s lead. Frexit, Grexit, Italexit, Gexit, etc. The EU was on the brink of collapse. Eighty years of painstaking manipulation towards what they call a “New World Order” was swirling down the drain. Brexit forced their hand.
The Elite behind the UN often wield their power in the guise of philanthropy. They do it openly.
Ten years ago, the Rockefeller Foundation produced this document exploring ways to increase their ‘philanthropic’ power over the world. To bring about a New World Order and a One World Government. Sceptics refer to it as the “Lockstep” document.
Examine pages 1-2. And pages 18-19. Does it look familiar? We’re in Lockstep.
There are many influential people shilling for the NWO and global governance right now, including ex PMs Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and Prince Charles. Bill Gates called for a One World Government in 2015 in a major German newspaper.
Banks are operating skeleton services and the disappearance of branches and cash machines from the high street has accelerated during the lockdowns. They’re also pushing for a new global currency, probably using blockchain technology. This will allow the banks to adopt negative interest rates and punish account holders for saving. Prominent economist Jim Rickards thinks that this may be as early as the first quarter next year.
The furlough schemes appear to be leading towards a Universal Basic Income for those whose jobs are unlikely to come back. This will make an even bigger proportion of the population dependent on the State.
The COVID-19 contact tracing app on your phone can be easily morphed into a cashless Chinese-style social credit system similar to this:
At the moment, the tracking software is “voluntary”, but the API is now part of your smartphone operating system. It probably won’t be long before you won’t be able to switch it off. The UK government has already introduced a QR Code COVID-secure pass system, which came into effect two days before the London anti-lockdown protest on the 26th September. It has recently come to light that personal data from the app is being shared with police forces. Furthermore, police are being asked not to download the app onto their work phones. Possible explanations are that they anticipate a lot of close contact with the public, or are concerned about the false positive phenomenon.
The Coronavirus Act 2020 allows for DNA to be retained for longer, but it does not say why. Incidentally, they have made it a lot easier to section and forcibly medicate an individual, due to emergency changes to the Mental Health Act 1983. These changes have not yet been implemented in England, but they are in force in Wales.
The 5G network and Elon Musk’s StarLink satellite network will greatly enhance the surveillance capacity for the Chinese style Social Credit System, which might explain why rollout is being accelerated. It also explains why UK networks have been given 7 years to remove suspect Huawei equipment from their networks. Whatever is happening, it will be all over, long before that.
There are already SMART cities in China where you are tracked everywhere you go. Facial recognition cameras and a cashless society enable this. If you jaywalk, buy too much alcohol, criticise the government on social media, or don’t behave yourself, they dock your social credit. Your ‘privileges’, like going shopping or getting on a train, are taken away. You’re effectively trapped. The police can stop and search citizens anywhere. They can even look on your phone. There are plenty of news items archived on YouTube concerning this. In some Chinese cities, you only have to switch your phone off for 2 hours and the police are banging on your door.
The pessimistic view? The next UK lockdown won’t end unless we submit to compulsory tracking, testing and vaccination. Dissenters won’t be allowed to leave the house to work or travel or shop. We’re on the brink of a house arrest prison system and it will only take a year or two to implement.
I am deeply concerned about any rushed vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies are being granted full indemnity from legal action over injury caused. The 2009 swine flu vaccine was an utter disaster. The UK government has recently lost the battle to pay compensation for the brain injury caused by it.
There are concerns about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines currently being developed. Despite this, the vaccine development programs have scarcely missed a beat.
Chilling indeed. Especially when you consider that the government is already consulting legal experts on the mandatory vaccines.
The argument appears to use the precedent set by the lockdowns themselves.
The expert argue that if you can force people into lockdown to protect others, you can forcibly inject them too.
The Mental Health Act 1983 can also be used to force vaccination. If someone is judged to be a risk to others by refusing vaccination, then it would be possible to section them under the MHA 1983 and forcibly inject them. Consent will not be required.
We’re going down a very dark road indeed.
If you sit down and read all 351 pages of Agenda 21, plus its ancillary documents, you will find that it’s all about complete control and inventory of everything on the planet. Animal, mineral and vegetable. Including humans.
That could be partially what the vaccine is about. The virus would be a means to that end. I don’t know what it will contain, but it almost certainly won’t be immunisation against any coronavirus. There has never been a successful vaccine for a coronavirus. They are too slippery, meaning they mutate too much. There is talk of eventually utilising the quantum dot tattoo technology that Bill Gates has developed. Google ID2020 to find out more.
The UN claims that there are a billion undocumented humans on this planet. And that global population is ultimately heading for nearly 11 billion. This appears to really bother Bill Gates. See his TED Talks.
As mentioned, UN Agenda 2030 is the next major milestone of Agenda 21.
The required changes are enormous. Yet we are seeing them all around us. Most of these changes have accelerated since the pandemic.
It can be argued that the measures “they’re” taking to “protect us” from the virus are indistinguishable from many of the stated goals of UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.
While we’ve been kept under house arrest, they’ve been shutting down fossil fuel power stations, oil rigs, pedestrianising city centres, disabling our food supply chain, forcing farmers to cull ‘greenhouse gas emitting’ livestock and let ‘unsustainable irrigated’ crops rot. Suppressing effective COVID-19 treatments.
More information in this Facebook group:
The evidence is all around us. Virtually every major town and city in the UK has had permanent changes to road layout to allow for social distancing. Pedestrianisation and cycle ways. One way systems. Cities are becoming very car-unfriendly. Glasgow has lost a third of its parking spaces overnight. Google ‘social distancing centre traffic’. If there’s a vaccine coming, why are these changes permanent?
And here is Boris Johnson promising to rewild a third of the country by 2030.
Here’s another surprise change, no petrol or diesel cars after 2030.
Notice the dates. This aligns with the goals of UN Agenda 2030.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. One of the goals of Agenda 21 is to end private property ownership and all farming of animals by 2050.
To recap, we can expect a cashless society, negative interest rates, social credit system, mass surveillance, mandatory vaccines, ID2020, AI, restriction of movement, health passports, rationing of food and energy, confiscation of private property, banning of private motor vehicles and crippling taxation.
Eventually? Depopulation and rewilding of the planet.
I’ve got references for everything I haven’t referenced here. I’ve been studying geopolitics since 2008 and tracking the WEC and UN’s machinations since January.
We’re being frogmarched into a dystopian technocracy. An Orwellian future. It was always going to happen, it’s just happening faster than I thought. I can only conclude that the technology needed to implement it was ready after all.
They’re even hinting at transhumanism and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. These topics are covered in the Great Reset videos and literature. We’re living a bloody science fiction novel. These videos examines how we got here, and where we’re going.
We really are in deep trouble. The world is being steered by a megalomaniac madman, Klaus Schwab, and he has the full power of the United Nations at his disposal. This is not speculation, this is fact.
The lockdowns aren’t about a virus. The virus was the excuse for the lockdowns. The whole purpose of the lockdowns is to destroy our economy and take away our freedoms. They’re implementing a hard Agenda 21, a “Great Reset” with the slogan, “Build Back Better” Only Britain won’t be better. Far from it. We will become like communist China. This man believes that China is our future.

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