From Resistance to Persistence | National Strategy

3 years ago

After an unprecedented wave of grassroots energy over the past four years, Trump is out of office and Democrats have unified control of the federal government. But the Republican party continues to pursue an increasingly radical strategy of power grabs to maintain minority rule for as long as it can, all while continuing to undermine the integrity of future elections. Democrats made progress in 2018 and 2020, but we still have work to do to protect and expand democracy and defeat the GOP.

We must move from resistance to persistence to continue defending and strengthening our democracy. We must deliver Republicans an historic wave of losses at the federal and state levels to show them that a fight against American democracy itself is not a fight they can win.

Swing Left is launching a sustained 10-year plan—starting with keeping Virginia blue in 2021—to defeat the anti-democratic movement within the Republican party, dismantle the GOP's advantage in key swing states, and maintain and expand Democratic power at the federal level.

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