021 Bond Robin Digest Scientistic Terrorism Continued

3 years ago

This operation of this Covid Fear Campaign is without excuse. It is a direct assault on our Families, our Children, the young generations, and the generations next.

Re-imposing the Autonomic Emotional Triggers and re-taking control of the dialectic.

If you did not see the segment in video 020 Bond Robin Digest where I explained that the push to make people wear masks had nothing to do with Health or, in reality, the prevention of passing on a virus, but rather is a campaign of "compliance" an exercise of the Globalist Oligarchs to regain control of not just the dialectic but the autonomic control of the emotions of the masses; I want to point out that via nearly free speech on Social Media (for a time) and the Trump phenomenon they had lost control for the first time ever, at least since the mechanism of Mind Control had taken hold fully by the time of WWII. I stated that the ubiquitous masks are the exact equivalent to the Heil Hitler protocol in Nazi Germany. Hundreds of times a day, the "fear of Death" is reinforced with each person you pass, the force to conform to insanity is reinforced in the people that know the mask is useless, each person you see putting on, taking off, wearing, and adjusting a face mask; It is reinforced even from the distance of hundreds of feet, across stores, plazas, parking lots, etc. Now me stating that the mask mandates and lock-downs were not about health but about reestablishing dialectic and autonomic control, is not new. I stated this first in March of 2020, when I researched the Corona Viruses and realized that they could not be filtered out even using an N-95 Mask, the most restrictive and expensive of face masks, since the N-95 mask filters to only 300 nanometers and the Coronaviruses are all 65 to 125 nanometers in size. I explained at the time that if an N-95 mask were capable of blocking inhalation of a deadly virus, there would be no reason for level four bio-labs and bio-hazard suits worn in those labs, where the breathable air comes not from the room but is piped in from an outside source. If protocols are not broken, a human never breathes an atom of air from inside the laboratory. Of course, a mere rag on your face is thousands of times less protective than an N-95 mask, and has health hazards attached as well, like the buildup of bacteria on the cloth, the growth of bacteria in the cloth, which has proved true with the increased cases of bacterial bronchial and lung ailments in the last year.
Txt and Videos in this series
0024 How Blinding is Your Worldview Vol Twenty One to Thirty
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