My Pilgrimage -- 16

3 years ago

Continuing north bound on US 281. Took a detour to the west to go through downtown San Antonio, past the Alamo and up the river walk.

Years ago, while working on a DoD acquisition program, I told a coworker that he needed to "get with the program!". Amazingly, despite the very direct exhortation, he later agreed to be one of my groomsmen.

Although at the time, it was a multi-billion dollar program, that eventually led to a $1.7 trillion dollar aircraft, it had no eternal significance.

On the other hand, we need to be preparing for the great wedding when Jesus returns!

If you aren't ready for His return, you need to "get with the program" before its too late!

This walk: Dist: 12.09 km Time: 2+34 Steps: 13,702
Total: Dist: 163.92 km Time: 34.04 Steps: 193,737
After this leg, I went over 100 total miles!

BTW, DM me if you would like to join me on a walk

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