Black Lives Matter Sets Police Station On Fire During Riot For 2 Criminals In South Carolina

3 years ago

BLM "protestors" setting a fire outside the Rock Hill South Carolina police station tonight.

They're "protesting" this: two black men arrested for crack, weed, unlawful possession of a firearm, and resisting arrest.

On June 23, 2021, Officers of the Rock Hill Police Department Violent Crimes Unit were joined by the Department of Homeland Security to conduct operations in Rock Hill targeting violent and narcotic dealing offenders. Officers were conducting surveillance when at 1:56 p.m. they located and observed Ricky Roderick Price, a known offender, driving a black 2017 Mustang on Dave Lyle Blvd. Price made an illegal turn and changed lanes unlawfully, subsequently being stopped by Officers.

Price pulled the Mustang into the gas station at 329 Willowbrook Avenue and began moving about the vehicle out of officer's view. As Officers approached the vehicle, Price was talking on his cell phone telling his brother where he was stopped by officers. Based on prior interactions with Price, officers called for K-9 to conduct a vehicle sniff. K-9 alerted to the presence of illegal narcotics in the vehicle. Price was asked to step from the vehicle while officers conducted a search.

During the search, Officers located two bags of Marijuana hidden in the driver's door panel. Officers then placed Price under arrest and into handcuffs. Officers also located a 9mm pistol in the back seat of the vehicle.

Officers began searching Price when his brother, Travis Price, arrived on scene and approached Officers. Travis Price attempted to gather the belongings Officers were removing from Ricky's person and was told to move back. Travis then used his body to bump the Officers backward as he continued trying to get near his brother to reach for the belongings while yelling belligerently. Travis was forced back and told he was under arrest for interfering, and physically contacting officers. Travis shoved Officers, refusing to comply with orders to place his hands behind his back. Officers pushed Travis against a large tank located behind him, telling him to put his hands behind his back. Travis continued his non-compliance and Officers began struggling with Travis. While attempting to gain control of Travis, Officers and Travis went to the ground.

During this time, other Officers collected jewelry from Ricky since he requested his jewelry be passed along to someone else on scene. Officers were attempting to facilitate his request and removed Ricky's handcuffs to collect more jewelry. Once Officers removed the handcuffs, Ricky attempted to flee and threw several punches. One of the punches struck an officer in the face.

The police K-9 was deployed as a display of force to gain compliance, with the handler maintaining control of the K-9; however, Ricky continued fighting to escape from Officers.

As Officers struggled to maintain control of Ricky, he and several Officers fell to the ground in the parking lot. As Officers were on the ground with Ricky, one Officer delivered several punches to Ricky's upper thigh on the Common Peroneal Nerve to gain compliance. The strikes had no effect and Ricky continued to resist. The officer then punched again, striking Ricky in the nose which caused him to bleed.

Officers were able to take Ricky into custody at this time while other Officers managed to handcuff Travis as well.

Officers rendered aid following the punch and EMS was called to respond; however, Officers placed Ricky in a patrol vehicle to meet EMS at the Law Center. EMS transported Ricky to Piedmont Medical Center for treatment. Upon removing Ricky from the vehicle, Officers found a Crown Royal bag containing crack cocaine where he was seated.

Travis was placed into a patrol vehicle and taken to the Rock Hill City Jail.

Ricky Price was charged with Possession with intent to Distribute Crack Cocaine, Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana, Carrying a Pistol Unlawfully, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm by a Person Convicted of a Violent Offense, and Resisting Arrest.

Travis Price was charged with Hindering Police.

At no time was the police K-9 used to bite Travis or Ricky. Officers did not deploy any weapons or use Tasers on Travis or Ricky.

An Internal Review of the incident is being conducted.

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