Invisible Force

3 years ago

It seems there is a groupthink with parents who put their young kids into organized youth sports. Most parents are thinking the same thing, but they think they are the only ones doing so. Why are parents so obsessed about getting their kids involved in organized youth sports? Most are well meaning, but it's all about the future rather than just enjoying the present. They put their child, often very young child, into organized youth sports because they think this will give them a much better chance to succeed in sports down the road, not to just enjoy the present. Parents are obsessed about their child's future without much noticing the present. This is the mindset that nearly all parents have in relation to getting their children involved in organized youth sports. It's like there is this invisible force going through society. It's a force that brings much harm. Kids need to play, organized sports for very young kids gets in the way of play.

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