"Dr." Aruna Khilanani: Certified RACIST! Brought to you by Yale

3 years ago

Another tale from the annals of leftism. This woman was approved to give an incredibly racist and hateful "lecture" titled The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind at the Yale School of Medicine.

Link to full presentation w/ subs by I,Hypocrite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTE4mfLEagc&t=832s

Another Doctor's take: https://theislandnow.com/opinions-100/the-back-road-the-strange-case-of-dr-aruna-khilanani/

Newsweek article: https://www.newsweek.com/aruna-khilanani-went-tiktok-push-yale-make-whiteness-talk-public-1597873

The NY Post Article: https://nypost.com/2021/06/05/nyc-shrink-who-imagined-shooting-white-people-slammed-online/

This nutbars' website: https://arunakhilanani.com/the-meetpoint

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