Can your Pharmacist work for Patients instead of Insurers?-Shawn Needham-Moses Lake Pharmacy

3 years ago

For years patients have known about cash practices that don't accept insurance - chiropractors, naturopaths, biocompatible dentists. ObamaCare, though, made almost every individual health plan owner a cash patient, too, simply because high deductibles kept insurance from ever having to be used. What about non-insurance reimbursable pharmacies? Janet and Shawn Needham haven't taken insurance since 2002. Are they thriving - and do their loyal customers save money while improving health?

Freedom Hub had TW Taylor discuss integrated pharmacies, how pharmacists have a niche for prevention unavailable via family doctors. This niche stems from the ancient practice of "compounding” or mixing ingredients to curate treatment for an individual's unique health needs. The Needhams wrote a book about this and more, regarding patient empowerment. They titled it, "Sickened: How the Government Ruined Healthcare." With their podcast, too, they believe cash must proliferate if ever we aim to save our health from the special interests.

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