Fallout 3 Walkthrough (Modded) Part 140

3 years ago

I return to Vernon Square to explore the Vault-Tec Headquarters.

Follow the timestamps:
Vault-Tec Headquarters: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault-Tec_headquarters
- 00:25 - I'm at Vernon Square.
- 00:35 - The companions ruin my sneak attempt.
- 02:48 - Going upstairs to reach the other building.
- 03:25 - Dead super mutant refuses to drop on the floor.
- 03:52 - A Behemoth and more super mutants.
- 05:44 - Going downstairs to fight the Behemoth was a stupid idea.
- 05:58 - Looting the dead.
- 07:25 - Super mutants attack from the alley to the north.
- 08:50 - Passing through the alley to reach the ruins on the other side.
- 10:21 - Entering the Vault-Tec Headquarters. Some super mutants were fighting the robots inside.
- 11:07 - The Evil Eyebot was added by The Mantis Imperative mod.
- 11:37 - I can't jump in the area. I'll find another way later.
- 12:08 - Sentry bot upstairs.
- 12:40 - Looting time.
- 14:32 - Protectron was shitting scrap metal.
- 15:16 - To the Vault-Tec Corporate Offices.
- 16:05 - Going upstairs.
- 16:10 - Mister Gutsy, Robobrais, and sentry bots.
- 18:47 - Eliminating the remaining robots in the hallways.
- 20:33 - Lockpicking a safe near a room where I shot the first Mister Gutsy.
- 20:46 - The Vault-Tec Secure Case Key is on top of the safe. It opens a case in the mainframe room containing the Phaser, a unique energy pistol (New Uniques mod). https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21441/
- 22:30 - Lots of tin cans in the area.
- 23:09 - Stairs to the floor above.
- 23:42 - A Nuka Cola Quantum.
- 24:00 - In the room where the floor collapsed, there's a Big Book of Science on a shelf.
- 24:39 - Oops! Falling on the floor below.
- 25:40 - Walking on the edge near the wall to reach a small storage room.
- 26:23 - I fell on the lower floor again.
- 27:41 - Stairs to the Vault-Tec Administration.
- 28:10 - Robobrain, turret, and another Evil Eyebot. I go to the room where the Robobrain came from.
- 28:55 - Accessing the System Operation Station 3. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault-Tec_headquarters_terminal_entries#System_Operation_terminals_(3)
- 29:29 - Lol.
- 30:28 - I click on the Mainframe Station 3 Access Approval option. Then the Masterbrain Shutdown option. The Vault-Tec Security Procedures note was added to the inventory. If I repeat the same thing on the other two stations, I can disable the Masterbrain roaming the area.
- 32:22 - Another turret.
- 33:22 - I return to the hallway and take the stairs to the upper floor. A turret was protecting a door.
- 34:22 - Behind the door, there's System Operation Terminal 1. I click on the Mainframe Station 1 Access Approval and the Masterbrain Shutdown option.
- 34:52 - The Vault-Tec Employee Terminal was in a room nearby. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault-Tec_headquarters_terminal_entries#Vault-Tec_employee_terminal
- 35:38 - Another turret in the room to the north. As I turn left, the Masterbrain attacks.
- 36:16 - Once defeated, I approach the Masterbrain and destroy the uplink, disabling the remaining security units in the area.
- 36:52 - I place pulse mines on the path ahead. I heard a sentry bot.
- 38:05 - System Operation Station 2 was in the room with the turret at 35:38.
- 38:57 - Destroying the remaining turret and sentry bot. For some reason (a mod conflict?), the security units are still working after disabling the uplink.
- 39:31 - The mainframe door won't open because I destroyed Masterbrain. I only realized this later.
- 39:50 - I almost missed the Masterbrain Shiny Key on its body (added by EVE). https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/8340
- 40:16 - Checking the west end of the area.
- 40:47 - Local map.
- 41:19 - The Secure Stash is in the room with the System Operation Station 2. It's behind a filing cabinet. A Pulse Rifle was inside.
- 43:02 - Back in the rooms to the west. I almost missed the Grognak the Barbarian on the curved desk.
- 43:10 - The Metal Box behind the big curved desk contains a Bobblehead Display Stand. It seems to be added by FWE. Checking the cell with Fo3Edit, the box is known as "aaIBHDisplayDummyContainerRef" in the mod file.
- 43:14 - Masterbrain Control terminal was added by Alpha's Robot Overhaul. Looking at the mod in Fo3Edit, options like "Overload Primary Energy Source" and "Activate Masterbrain" are in the terminal. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18525/
- 44:14 - You can ignore the next minute as I was trying to open the door to the mainframe.
- 47:22 - Going downstairs to the door that leads to the Guest Relations area (entrance).
- 47:46 - I'm at the entrance and in the area previously inaccessible because of the broken stair. A Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor is on a table in the area.
- 48:31 - We leave the place.

That is all for today.


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