Why Protecting Critical #Infrastructure Matters

3 years ago

President Biden and Congressional Democrats are still trying to push an extremely expensive spending package disguised as an "infrastructure" bill aiming a plethora of funds toward Federal Universal Pre-K, Child Care and Free Community College tuition, there is little to no financial attention toward protecting the nation's national power grid and critical infrastructure.

As Congressional Moderates are working on a bipartisan agreement, those on the farther side of the Left continue to clamor for the Trojan Horse provisions in the Biden Infrastructure Plan which could easily be proposed in a separate bill subject to Congressional debate. Still, there is no money or media attention paid to the need to prepare for potential cyber attacks, EMP attacks or CME event.

On this installment of Thought to Action, London Center for Policy Research Senior Fellow LTC (British Army, Retired) and Distinguished Fellow Navy Capt. (Retired) Pete O'Brien go in-depth as to why we need to protect our critical infrastructure, preparing for interruptions to our grid as individuals and how to get politicians to pay significant attention to this issue.

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