My Crystal Ball 2.0 - The French Connection Again June 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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My Crystal Ball 2.0 - The French Connection Again June 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, the Brits are at the bottom of every dog pile. But the French are at the bottom of the really big dog piles, and this is a really big dog pile.
There is a reason for this, and it is very simple. The French have owned and manipulated the British Empire since the 1600's, and have used the Roman Catholic Church to Commonwealth interface to interject themselves at crucial moments.
That's why history seems so haphazard, when in fact, it is not haphazard at all.
We plug along and become inured to the British collusions and malfeasance, but this is only the Raj part of the story, the story of the military and bureaucratic thugs. There is also the story of the French Dominance, which includes most of Continental Europe, and this is the story of the puppet masters, not the puppets.
When the French and the Powers of the European Mainland are pushed out of their perennial crouch, you see just how diabolical things can be.
A few years after Dr. Fauci was being accused of genocide for his brutal mishandling of the AID/HIV epidemic, other voices were raised, as in this case in which a brilliant scientist disclosed the nature of "magnetic vaccines" such as are now being deployed by the Monsters in Suits.
What this French doctor disclosed in 1995 is exactly what is happening now. He knew about the vaccine programs in East Africa. He knew about the beta tests that resulted in the genocide in Ruanda.
All the worst of it has been engineered at the French Pasteur Institute.
Only now, the Plague is in America. The most horrific genocide of the entire age is underway, and once again, the Parasites are killing their Priority Creditors, for no better reason than that they owe all these people money.
Even as millions succumb to this evil, and even as millions receive the Mark of the Beast and are overcome, it isn't passing unobserved. It isn't without a loud alarm being raised.
We are raising the alarm. Our entire government is raising the alarm. No blood will be found on our hands. Our watchtowers are blazing. Our warning is being heard.
Those who have done these things and polluted the blood of innocent people must and will perish; their recompense is due. Let the Lord of Hosts have his way with them, and devour them like chaff in a furnace; may his name be blessed for his vengeance is just.

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