3 years ago

SHEILA R. VITALE: Spiritual Christianity - Topics Include: New World Order; Socialist State; Federal Reserve; Gold-Backed Dollar; EU; Globalists; Control of Reproductive Rights of Women; Seed of Woman & Seed of Serpent; Zygote; Melchizedek; Three Levels of Communication With God; David; Moses; Solomon; Unconscious Part of the Mind; The Church is Under the Law; Primordial King; Unification of the Worlds; New Order of Priests; 4th Grade of Soul; Council of Nicea; Apostolic Doctrine; Holy of Holies; Faith, Law & Unification of the Worlds; Prophetic Warning; Water Baptism; R.C. Sproul; John MacArthur; Infant Baptism; Circumcision; First and Second Covenants; Circumcised Heart; Reformed Theology; Trinity; Division; The Ages Are In Our Mind

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