Video update banned from Youtube & Facebook

3 years ago

It feels like a betrayal to me that so many freedom- loving fellow Americans are bowing down to dangerous frauds. My grandfather was a purple heart war hero in the 1st wave at Normandy beach who was shot in the back of the head and survived fighting fraud fascist tyranny such as we are being subjected to in a new type of war millions of people are unaware is even happening. Fauci's FOIA  released emails show that he was aware that everything he was promoting was fraud from the fact that masks don't work to asymptomatic spread being a lie to hydroxychloroquine working to social distancing being fantasy to the fact that he was funding illegal gain-of-function bat Coronavirus studies in Wuhan.  The virus is a 0.15% infection fatality rate only a tiny percentage of ppl needs to do anything besides take care of their immunity and for the tiny percentage that needs to do something beyond that hydroxychloroquine Ivermectin and a cocktail of other treatments work safely and effectively. Instead all those things were lied about per Yale Harvey Risch last year hundreds of thousands died unnecessarily and more every day due to disinformation campaigns having nothing to do Do with the correct understanding of the science.  When all is said and done who knows what that total number will be.  Hundreds of millions of lives were destroyed around the world due to mandates that had 0 basis in real science. Hundreds of thousands of businesses permanently closed and millions at risk, 8 million Americans into poverty,  Tens of thousands of children dying every month due to market closures inducing starvation, more suicides and drug overdoses than deaths by coronavirus and the numbers are completely false because of the fraudulent use of the PCR test it's Nobel laureate inventor specifically specified not to use to detect viruses it literally has no bearing on illness or threat of illness.  My documentary is full of Nobel laureates and top University experts of which there are many speaking out. the mainstream media is a dangerous propaganda arm spreading disinformation and pushing narratives that have no basis in truth destroying lives livelihoods freedoms rights the constitution and pushing *dangerous experimental dna altering* injections no one needed that have already killed more people since December than all vaccines combined for at least 16 years. Previous attempts to make a Coronavirus vaccine killed every animal in the Trials and they skipped those this time . Due to what killed them which is called pathogenic priming everyone who was injected is at risk of serious illness in the next viral season. This has been known For over a year which is a large part of my motivation in doing near nothing else in my free time besides activist activities on this what many agree is the greatest crime against humanity. I think simply watching my documentary will clear up any concerns-- there is literally a new Nuremberg trial in process and the doctors and media who were the ones that were executed at the end of the Nuremberg trial after World War II should all be on trial right now.
PLEASE connect the dots & stand w/us FOR truth rights freedom REAL SCIENCEand demand prosecution of every player in this communist pseudoscience terrorist propaganda, lies & manipulation-ridden covert war. NEW NUREMBERG NOW!!! Documentary (linked in bio):

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