Lawful Persons, Legal Persons , LEGAL PERSONS -- Sign in America June 22, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Lawful Persons, Legal Persons , LEGAL PERSONS -- Sign in America June 22, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

See that spectrum moving left to right? From "Lawful Person" to "Legal Persons" to "LEGAL PERSONS" ?
They are all "persons" and they are all existing in international or global jurisdiction as dead "fictional" entities.
When you, as an American standing on the land and soil of an American State of the Union, go to Walmart and buy a bag of beans using a bank account full of funds denominated as lawful money, you are operating as a Lawful Person.
Only Lawful Persons can use lawful money.
When you, as an American have "gone to sea" and are "voluntarily" adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship, and go to Walmart to buy a bag of beans, you are obligated to act as a Legal Person and use a bank card or bank account funded by Federal Reserve Notes, and by definition you are acting as a Legal Person and U.S. Citizen.
When you, as an American Municipal PERSON and Municipal citizen of the United States, go to Walmart and buy a bag of beans, you are acting as a LEGAL PERSON and use a bank card or bank account funded by FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES.
The Americans operating as Lawful Persons are entitled to "denominate" fiat currency as "lawful money" by Federal Law, PL 73-10 and 12 USC 411, as remedy to the theft of their silver in non-equitable exchange for Federal Reserve Notes -- that is, Promissory Notes, or more popularly, I.O.U.'s.
This inequitable forced exchange of silver for paper promises was legalized by these provisions of Federal Law and it has to be maintained or the members of Congress are revealed to be nothing but robbers in suits.
Please note that in order to exercise this guarantee, you must be an American and you must be adopting your birthright political status. You have to declare it and record it.
Please note that although a member in U.S. military service adopting U.S. Citizenship, and functioning as a Legal Person, may have a birthright guarantee, that birthright is extinguished while in the service and remains extinguished until he or she "returns" to their American political status and resigns any foreign commissions they hold.
Ditto members of the Federal Civil Service and their direct dependents. They may similarly have an American birthright, but until they leave Federal Service and adopt their birthright political status as Americans, they have no ability to denominate their private script as lawful money.
So, Lawful American Persons use Lawful Money. British Territorial Legal Persons use private Federal Reserve Notes. Municipal LEGAL PERSONS use commercial bank scripts.
So, you may think, this is very odd. Nobody ever explained this to me. What difference does it make? I am still going to buy a bag of beans.

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