Morning Prayers by servantxc

3 years ago

Hello everyone,
Here’s the prayers that I say every morning on my knees next to my bed when I wake up. Two of these prayers were given to me by God. The words came to me and I wrote them down, I didn’t know they were prayers until I read them on paper. Then I realized they were prayers God wanted me to add to my morning prayers. (The Sinners Prayer and Father Guide us Back to Jesus)

I’ve been praying these for a long time now and decided to upload them to YouTube. I feel conviction that many people rush out the house in a hurry without saying any prayers or blessing themselves.

I started this project of recording the prayers to upload them to You Tube 2-15-2015 and stopped. Every time I remembered to continue something always came up to stop me from finishing. After a few months I lost interest and gave up, I figured I’ll come back and finish later, but never made any effort to finish.

Today 7-16-2016 I woke up had no intentions to work on this project but was convicted to start again. This time God moved any distractions to clear my path and finish. I am convinced that it was Spiritual warfare from the enemy that halted my project and was keeping me from finishing the work I needed to do.

This might seem like a minor accomplishment for some of you, but if you were spiritually attacked like I was, you would know how hard it was to finish. If the enemy fought that hard to keep me from finishing, than these must be some very important prayers to meditate in the morning. I encourage everyone who rushes out in the morning to meditate on these prayer daily.

Glory be to Christ, I finally finished.
(1 John 4:4 for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.)
(Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who is against us?)

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