Twitter ACCIDENTALLY Bans More Conservatives | Lazy Idiot Sues for Free Money in Indiana

3 years ago

National File, reporting on a First Hand account of a kid dropping dead after receiving a certain jab, ran afoul of Twitter and was suspended temporarily. Thankfully it was just an error. In an unrelated coincidence, I'm sure, the reporter who works for the same publication was also suspended in "Error" when he celebrated the National File account was reinstated. Such a weird coincidence without any previous precedent. So glad those errors were addressed quickly, sure it won't happen again... tomorrow.

Indiana is one of several States that will be ceasing the Federal Government's additional Unemployment Benefits, as they are fully open and experiencing an employment shortage with an abundance of vacant positions. Some worthless fuck, pardon my language, wants to blame everyone else to sit on her fat ass, so she has found other worthless fucks to band together and sue the Government for more free shit. Good, have a court say that there is no threat to your health and it's time to go back to work and give your couch a break, dummy.

The Epoch Times 1:

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