Hilarious Dad Fails!! Try not to laugh challenge!#1

3 years ago

Hilarious Dad Fails!! Try not to laugh challenge!#1

Here’s a great article I wrote on using distraction to change child behavior. I explain many of the subtleties involved, which I think you’ll enjoy. It’s a great example of a situation where a great day can start to turn sour because one kid gets bored and starts bugging a sibling. This is one of those situations that often results in a parent yelling at the child to behave better, and somebody usually ends up in tears by the end of the ordeal. No fun. Here’s another article I wrote that explains one important language technique you can use right now to
influence the behavior of toddlers. I encourage all parents to read this. This material completely changes the way you look at parenting toddlers. Dealing with problem toddler behavior is one thing. But if you think longer term, you probably want your kids to have confidence, right? This article on raising self confident children was immensely popular.

As the parent of a toddler, I'll bet you just can't WAIT for the day when you won't have to change another diaper. It just can't get here fast enough, right?
Potty TrainingI know that when my son was two years old, changing his stinky, loaded diaper was NOT at the top of my "Things I Love Most About Motherhood" list!

Let's face it...our children provide us with many beautiful, life-long memories, but the weight and smell of pee- and poop-soaked diapers won't be one of them! Not to mention the incredible expense - diapers can cost $80, $100, or MORE each month!

Here's the thing, though. While you look forward to the day when your little angel will wear "big boy" or "big girl" underpants, you're also just not sure about how (or when!) to potty-train your child. Don't worry, though, because you are NOT alone!

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