Monday Moments 6-21-21

3 years ago

It’s not Monday! But never the less coming straight from the Dream Believe Realize Network, Not Live…

Welcome Welcome Welcome!

I have one goal this week and that is to set the stage for the following week’s calamity… No not a disaster but the forced fun meant to take place then.

Any day that we wake up on the sunny side of dirt is a good day in my book and we should treat it as that!

A Beautiful Day!

So much potential, so little time!

I turned on the timeline only to see another victim of the “C” word! Another brother with the fight of his life on his hands.

I don’t cry for him so to speak, I cry for me left here in the world to make the best of and that I will!

I will leave this place better than I found it and it starts with have the best Monday Ever! #dbrn

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