IN TRUTH NEWS: Monkey Mission In Truth News

3 years ago

IN TRUTH NEWS with the Offical Monkey Werx US

Official Monkey Werx US Channel- weekly shows consist of Overwatch SITREPS where we will look at aircraft activity around the world, the Monkey Minute, where we will take a quick look at biblical news, and every two weeks, the Watchman Hour, where we will be discussing biblical topics.

You can also buy MonkeyWerx gear and other cool stuff at

Opening music for Overwatch is Carlos Estella/Jamendo Cafe Del Chillia

For ad-free and live content, discounts, and more, you can become a Monkey Nation member on my Patreon page here:

I can also be found on my website:

IN TRUTH NEWS was born of "More Truth Ministries;
IN TRUTH NEWS is about the freedom to know the Truth of everything that constitutes the freedoms and rights of We The People to understand what is happening around us in our Country and in this World. Not just a ministry, but more. KNOW THE TRUTH and it shall set you free."

John 8:31-32. New King James Version
The Truth Shall Make You Free
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

#Bible #God #Adonai #Yeshua #Jesus #HolySpirit
#Truth #IN TRUTH #IN TRUTH NEWS #MonkeyWerxUS #WatchmansVoice

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