Fauci Is A Real Life Joker?

3 years ago

Okay...so, maybe the comparison is a bit of a stretch, however, when you do the research and read what is public record, well.....it's damned close!
Fauci and his team at the NIH and NIAID were involved in gain of function of Corona virus from bats (bat $h!t) in the Wuhan lab. Not only that, but were also recommending wearing masks for a virus that attacks the respiratory system and...and...reduces your oxygen intake which can cause cerebral hypoxia! Then it's discovered that his team holds patents on the mRNA (derived in part from aborted fetal cells) which is used in the vaccines and manufactured by BIG PHARMA (which still after more than 50 years of research and GAZILLIONS of dollars they've been making, still can't find a cure!)
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