C-19 Ponzi Scam - the pile of lies our lives have developed in

3 years ago

17.6.2021 - Australia
according to the corrupt cult members still in place [read - executive/ legislative/ judiciary/ senior police force/ senior military members/ medical profession/ senior members of finance/ senior members of pharma/ senior members of insurances/ senior members of main stream media/ a large portion of the intellectuals/ a large portion of the scientists hooked on 'scientism'/ a large portion of the education profession/ a large portion of the uneducated and ignorant populace ... all in it ... all facilitating the ponzi-scam out of fear or premeditation ...

so according above cult members 'Australia had not have any-one passing away from covid' - ppl let this sink in - the biggest ponzi- scam in history - and this is just the start - ppl wake up to the lies, deceit, fraud played on us we the people! - we need to get rid of these corrupt per-verted cult members asap - they do not serve us ' we the people ' they serve to self not to the common - ppl get rid of the masks and stop consenting to dangerous trial injections/ or fines [ which are offers only ] - become aware of the language spoken/ thou listens to/ thou watches/ thou hears/ thou speaks/ thou reads/ thou ingests [ thou is the word to address a single individual regardless of gender - [the word 'sex' is something else altogether] - de-traumatize <--- very important -
'inerstand' thou rights and act accordingly and lawfully- look in to common law - considering we live on the land not on the sea - thou are a living breathing human, reject the declaration of death [ issued at birth via a cer-ti-fi-cate that declares death up on birth ] do never 'under-stand' [ it is word trick-ery played on thou - all it does is tricking thou in to con-sent-ing to stand under some ones au-tho-rity i.e. po-lice/ court and so on ] 17.6.2021 - Australia
according to the corrupt cult members still in place [read - executive/ legislative/ judiciary/ senior police force/ senior military members/ medical profession/ senior members of finance/ senior members of pharma/ senior members of insurances/ senior members of main stream media/ a large portion of the intellectuals/ a large portion of the scientists hooked on 'scientism'/ a large portion of the education profession/ a large portion of the uneducated and ignorant populace ... all in it ... all facilitating the ponzi-scam out of fear or premeditation ...

so according above cult members

'Australia had not have any-one passing away from covid'

ppl let this sink in - the biggest ponzi scam in history - and this is just the start - ppl wake up to the lies, deceit, fraud played on us we the people! - we need to get rid of these corrupt per-vert-ed cult members asap - they do not serve us ' we the people ' they serve to self not to the common - ppl get rid of the masks and stop consenting to dangerous trial injections/ or fines [ which are offers only ] - become aware of the language spoken/ thou listens to/ thou watches/ thou hears/ thou speaks/ thou reads/ thou ingests [ thou is the word to address a single individual regardless of gender - [the word 'sex' is something else altogether]
'inner-stand' thou rights and act accordingly and lawfully- look in to common law - considering we live on the land not on the sea -
thou are a living breathing human,
reject the declaration of death [ issued at birth...the certificates declare death upon birth the only way the cor-po-ra-tion can deal with the living breathing individual by de-cla-ra-tion of death]
do never 'under-stand' under any circum-stances [ it is word trickery - all it does is tricking you in to consenting to stand under some ones au-tho-rity i.e. po-lice/ court and so on ] rise up, organise in groups and take down lawfully the per-vert-ed cult mem-bers of the death-cult ... they utterly per-ver-ted our trust given to them for far to long!

organise in groups, rise up, take down lawfully the per-vert-ed cult mem-bers and the death-cult cor-po-ration ... they utterly per-vert-ed our trust given to them in good faith for far to long!

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