5 Exotic and Endangered animals you can have as a pet!

3 years ago

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No. 5

Hyacinth Macaw

Parrots make for interactive house pets as they are very vocal and comical. The Hyacinth Macaw, also known as the Blue Parrot, certainly enjoys the company of others. However, this South American bird’s overall largeness can be a bit of a handful when it comes to care. Owners may have to shop for a custom-made cage and invest in a high vegetarian diet. Purchasing the bird isn’t cheap either; these beauties cost anywhere from a grand to $10,000 easily. The Hyacinth Macaw can be owned in most US states, so long as they are not imported.

No. 4


They sure are adorable - but is a hedgehog the right pet for you?

Caring for a hedgehog can be similar to the care you would give to rodents like hamsters or guinea pigs. They'll need a cage, food, water, a hiding place, and a place to do their "business."

It's legal to own a hedgehog in most states around the United States. However, there are a few places where it's still illegal - Pennsylvania, Hawaii, California, Georgia, Arizona, and Maine. Although, you may be able to own one with a permit in these states.

No. 3


Cat lovers will surely love this wild beauty. Servals are African mid-sized cats that are accustomed to warm climates and open-wide spaces. Pet owners should build a moderate amount of space for their exotic cat to feel at home. Servals require lots of daily exercise and love to play! They’re even capable of being litter-trained if you start early. Servals are legal to own in many US states, such as Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Maine, and Nevada. Depending on which state you live in, it’s always best to check this information ahead of time.

No. 2

Bearded Dragon

When it comes to lizards, there are several exotic species you can find in the wild. The Bearded Dragon, for example, is a desert lizard of the great Australian Outback. In contrast to most exotic animals, Bearded Dragons have needs that are rather simple and easy to follow. The desert lizard is an omnivore and requires artificial sunlight and sand to reflect their natural habit.

No. 1


Native to the waters of the South and Central America, Capybaras are the largest rodent ever recorded in history. They can be as tall as a Golden Retriever and weigh up to 140lbs. Capybaras may be affectionate and loving creatures but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to look after. Skincare for a Capybara is essential, as they have extremely dry skin and need to spend most of their time in the water. They are also very social animals and should be housed in pairs. Unfortunately, they can only be legally owned in two states: Texas and Pennsylvania.


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