this guy is staring at his phone, betcha $1000 (SPOILER: i was right!)

3 years ago

Psalm69 1-3
mine eyes fail while i wait for my God
if somebody had told me to read the Psalms i woulda gotten saved 20yrs ago
many feel forsaken and misunderstood by the world
you're supposed to feel that way
that's what it means to be a human being in this world
"art" hahahahaha
this is happiness right here
you don't understand cos you're not a person anymore
taxpayer $ going towards child rapists
report me to HR
i'm sure that guy is addicted to pornography
freight train of judgment, never stay in the same box car for longer than 5min (too many)
i still don't know that guy tho
they don't want you to have this over here cos they can't control it

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