7 Most Awesome Treasure Hauls Ever Found with a Metal Detector..

3 years ago

1. Pirate Treasure

This is the real stuff. This is the third grade tree house secret wish kind of find that would have made a great Goonies movie. All of the classic pirate treasure stereotypes apply here. A chest full of Spanish doubloons by the sea, even a skeleton that was still clutching the gold coins in his hand. Would maybe make me reconsider taking the treasure to not awaken some terrible pirate curse, but these are the risks you take when you're on elementary-school-dream explorer adventures.

2. A 2 lb Meteor

Found by a 13-year-old boy near Albuquerque New Mexico, the boy called the meteorite university institute, who doubted the truthfulness of the claim. But the boy simply walked the meteorite into the museum to prove them wrong. The rock was named Rio Rancho meteorite after its location.

3. A 1913 Ford Model T

That's right, some guys were dawdling around with their metal detectors and found an entire 1913 Ford Model T car that was buried in 1926. Apparently the owner had buried it himself then to preserve for posterity, and then just maybe forgot about it? Seems like a real squirrel/acorn situation.

4. This Terrifying Mask

Apparently staring into the face of treasure looks like staring into the face of a goddess that turns men's hearts to flaming stone. But, it's also apparently worth a ton. This Time magazine Newsfeed article about it probably the most accurate headline of all time, "Weird Guy With Metal Detector Now Rich Weird Guy".

5. The Mojave Nugget

You know a piece of metal has to be interesting in some way for people to feel strongly enough to give it a name like "The Mojave Nugget". It's not just any ol' special nugget, either. It happens to be the largest piece of gold ever found in the United States. You would have felt like the California Gold Rush would have taken that claim, but nope, it was just some lone, casual guy walking around in 1977.

6. An Awesome Sword

This kid found this cool, cool sword, and then found out it was a civil war era cavalry weapon. Despite the sword's probable crazy selling price, the family decided to keep it as a memento for their son. They seem nice.

7. The largest gold artifact collection in the history of England

The gold haul found by English amateur metal detector enthusiast Terry Herbert was so large, he quickly became overwhelmed, and reported to 'start seeing gold in his sleep'. He found 500 pieces before calling the experts, who found 800 more. The hoard existed mostly of 7th century weaponry and spoils from battle, including a large amount of gold encrusted pieces.

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